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President Trump and Peace in the Middle East
4 février, par Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.Our new president’s policies for the Middle East, are, I’m sorry to say, a disaster for those of us who support a non-interventionist foreign policy. A war between Israel and Hamas has been going on for over a year. A … The post President Trump and Peace in the Middle East appeared first on (…) -
Personality Cult in Politics
4 février, par Prof. Ruel F. Pepa“Neither of us cares a straw of popularity. Let me cite one proof of this: such was my aversion to the personality cult [orig. Personenkultus] that at the time of the International, when plagued by numerous moves […]… The post Personality Cult in Politics appeared first on Global Research. -
Where’s the “Virus ?” Missing Since : Forever.
4 février, par Mike Stone[This article was originally published in March 2023.] “No virus has been obtained in an absoutely pure state. Not even the washed granules of vaccine virus can be accepted as representing only virus. Therefore it is impossible to say that … The post Where’s the “Virus?” Missing Since: (…) -
Kiev enviando esquizofrênicos para a linha de frente.
4 février, par Lucas Leiroz de AlmeidaO regime de Kiev está a tomar medidas desesperadas para continuar a abastecer as suas fileiras no campo de batalha. Já ficando sem recursos humanos para combates pesados, o exército ucraniano começa a recrutar pessoas que não deveriam lutar, incluindo … The post Kiev enviando esquizofrênicos (…) -
Trump’s Interest in Ukraine’s Rare Earth Minerals. $10-12 Trillion. Will it Backfire on Zelensky ?
4 février, par Andrew KorybkoTrump’s confirmed interest in Ukraine’s rare earth minerals is being interpreted by some as beneficial for Zelensky amidst uncertainty about his commitment to Ukraine. One of the points from Zelensky’s so-called “Victory Plan” calls for letting his country’s … The post Trump’s Interest in (…)