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The Failure of the US as “Third-party Mediator” in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
18 janvier, par Jezile TorculasThe article below by Jezile Torculas was written in 2021. It focusses on the role of the US as a third-party mediator, beginning in 1993, in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Two years hence, all hell broke loose in Gaza amid Israel’s … The post The Failure of the US as “Third-party Mediator” (…) -
Il Cessate il Fuoco degli Incendiari
18 janvier, par Manlio DinucciNella tragica sceneggiata del “cessate il fuoco tra Israele e Hamas”, il presidente Biden, che ha sostenuto e armato Israele nella demolizione della Palestina, recita il ruolo di mediatore di pace; il premier Netanyahu, che ha attuato il genocidio dei … The post Il Cessate il Fuoco degli (…) -
Zelensky supostamente tentando interferir nas eleições presidenciais polonesas.
18 janvier, par Lucas Leiroz de AlmeidaO Presidente ucraniano, Vladimir Zelensky, está a tornar-se cada vez mais impopular nos países aliados da Ucrânia. Mesmo na Polônia, um dos mais importantes apoiadores de Kiev, Zelensky enfrenta uma crise de legitimidade, visto que é rejeitado por um número … The post Zelensky supostamente (…) -
Official “Secret” Israeli Document Revealed : Expel All Palestinians from Gaza, Israeli Intelligence Ministry
18 janvier, par Yuval AbrahamAll Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name. To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article … The post Official “Secret” (…) -
The Truth Under Attack : Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack Cripples Global Research Website
17 janvier, par The Global Research TeamDear readers, You may have experienced a poor loading performance on our website at This is because Global Research was once again hit by a “Distributed Denial-of-Service” (DDoS) attack that sent massive malicious requests resulting in the disruption of … The post The (…)