Middle East Watch
La revue de presse alternative pour un Moyen Orient libre

تموز (يوليو) 2022

Middle East Watch

476 Article

  • من تحرير الوطن لهيمنة إيديولوجيا التسوية وانتهاء ب "الكلبشة" للمصارف

    بقلم د. عادل سمارة

    صار مألوفاً ذلك الصوت المنبعث من متعدد، كلما تبدَّت أزمة المفاوضات على السطح ، مرددا: سنحل السلطة، أو حِلُّو السلطة...! ولكن السلطة باقية.
    يعيدنا هذا الحديث إلى الكثير مما قيل بشأنها. بعض القوى الفلسطينية رددت منذ مفاوضات مدريد اوسلو أنها سوف تُسقط أوسلو. ومن يتذكر لا بد يستحضر نصائح وُجهت إليهم حينها: «قولوا نحن ضد اوسلو...فلو كان بوسعنا إسقاطها لما حصلت» اي لا ترفعوا شعارات يبين للناس سريعاً أنكم غير قادرين على التقدم بها وإنجازها.... ومع السنين بقي شعار : «نحن ضد اوسلو» ...بينما ينخرط (…)

     تتمة تتمة
  • On the Flotilla Ship, the German Foreign Ministry, British Counsel, Helen Thomas and Normalization

    by Adel Samara

    The end of May and the beginning of June 2010 witnessed hot events regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. Definitely those events were not deliberately planned to take place at the 43rd anniversary of the 5 June occupation of the West Bank and Gaza strip, although they are related to it.
    In this context it might be useful to make a comparison between the people who stood behind those events, especially non-Arabs, i.e. Germans, Americans and British.
    History did not start in 1967!
    Before (…)

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  • En Belgique, une plainte déposée à l’encontre de 14 dirigeants israéliens

    23 juin 2010, par Jean-Pierre Stroobants

    Deux avocats belges, Me Georges-Henri Beauthier et Alexis Deswaef, ont annoncé, mercredi 23 juin, à Bruxelles, le dépôt d’une plainte pour crimes contre l’humanité et crimes de guerre à l’encontre de 14 dirigeants politiques et militaires israéliens. Elle vise des actes commis à la fin 2008 et au début 2009 à Gaza, lors de l’opération militaire "Plomb durci". La plainte cite, entre autres, Ehoud Olmert, Tzipi Livni et Ehoud Barak, respectivement premier ministre, ministre des affaires (…)

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  • La destruction de 22 maisons palestiniennes à Jérusalem-Est divise les Israéliens


    La commission de planification et de construction de la municipalité a validé lundi le projet dit du « Jardin du roi » en hébreu (une référence aux jardins du roi Salomon), qui doit être construit dans le quartier de Silwan, où des familles de colons juifs se sont installées au milieu de 12 000 Palestiniens. Le plan municipal prévoit la destruction de 22 habitations palestiniennes construites sans autorisation israélienne, tandis que 66 autres maisons bâties sans permis seraient légalisées (…)

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  • Israel’s Freedom Flotilla Massacre underlines the urgency of intensifying BDS

    14 June 2010,

    Occupied Palestine, 08 June 2010 — In light of Israel’s massacre of humanitarian relief workers and activists aboard the Freedom Flotilla on 31 May 2010 and its insistence to continue its illegal siege on Gaza, pressuring Israel to comply with its obligations under international law has become of undeniable urgency. Drunk with power and impunity, Israel has ignored recent appeals by the UN Secretary General as well as a near consensus among world governments to end its deadly siege, putting (…)

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  • B’tselem: Gaza, 95% of factories are closed, 93% of water is polluted

    14 June 2010, by Haitham Sabbah

    Most of Gaza’s factories have closed and its water is polluted as a result of Israel’s siege policy, according to a new report being released today by the Israeli Human Rights group – B’tselem.
    The siege policy has "led to economic collapse in Gaza," B’tselem noted in a 44-page report (PDF) that looked at Gaza, the West Bank and east Jerusalem during the period from January 2009 to the end of April 2010.
    Following is a summery of this report:
    * The prohibition on bringing in raw (…)

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  • A powerful but masochistic expression of gratitude by the USA to Israel

    by Mark Glenn

    Today, while driving through town, I wound up behind a minivan that had a big sticker on the back. The sticker had an Israeli flag in the middle of it and under it the quotation from the book of Genesis that reads "I will bless those who bless thee."
    I would like to take this time to list my own reasons for thanking and blessing Israel, our lone ally in the Middle East, for everything she has done for us, since I am quite sure most Americans are unaware of just what kind of friend she has (…)

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  • Israel’s Policy of Killing Civilians

    2 June 2010, by Paolo Barnard

    Translated in English from Italian by Gulagnik’s Diego Traversa for http://gulagnik.wordpress.com and www.palestinethinktank.com
    Killing civilians has been State policy in Israel since 1948 (and, prior to that, of Zionism). It’s not about “tragic mistakes”, there’s no “deep regret for the incident”. Killing civilians is what Israel has founded itself on with the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and this is what allows it to live. What is to be added to this is the outright impunity Israel (…)

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  • Le chemin de justice

    4 juin 2010, par Dominique de Villepin

    L’arraisonnement brutal du Mavi-Marmara, chargé de civils, dans les eaux internationales, semble nous prouver une fois de plus l’impuissance du droit et de la raison.
    Derrière ce drame, se pose à nous la question occultée du sort de Gaza. Rien ne saurait justifier qu’on prenne en otage une population d’un million et demi d’hommes, de femmes, d’enfants dans une ville asphyxiée.
    Censé discréditer le Hamas, le blocus n’a fait que renforcer l’image de martyr dont se pare le mouvement. La (…)

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  • Western leaders are too cowardly to help save lives

    1 June 2010, by Robert Fisk

    Has Israel lost it? Can the Gaza War of 2008-09 (1,300 dead) and the Lebanon War of 2006 (1,006 dead) and all the other wars and now yesterday’s killings mean that the world will no longer accept Israel’s rule?
    Don’t hold your breath.
    You only have to read the gutless White House statement – that the Obama administration was "working to understand the circumstances surrounding the tragedy". Not a single word of condemnation. And that’s it. Nine dead. Just another statistic to add to the (…)

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