Middle East Watch
La revue de presse alternative pour un Moyen Orient libre

تموز (يوليو) 2022

Middle East Watch

476 Article

  • Britain’s policy on Palestine is hypocritical, duplicitous and mendacious

    15 March 2010, by Khalid Amayreh

    Last week, a few Palestinian journalists and I had the opportunity to meet with Martin Day, a spokesman of the British government. The meeting, which was hosted by the Arabic Media Internet Network (AMIN), took place in Ramallah. In his introductory remarks, Day gave the impression that the imminent renewal of peace talks between the almost completely helpless Palestinian Authority (PA) and a brazenly insolent Israel, ruled by the most hawkish government in the Jewish state’s history, will (…)

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  • Nearly 300 Congress members declare commitment to ’unbreakable’ U.S.-Israel bond

    26 March 2010, by Natasha Mozgavaya

    Nearly 300 members of Congress have signed on to a declaration reaffirming their commitment to "the unbreakable bond that exists between [U.S.] and the State of Israel", in a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
    The letter was sent in the wake of the severe recent tensions between Israel and the U.S. over the prior’s decision to construct more than 1,600 new housing units in East Jerusalem, a project it announced during U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to the region.
    Prime (…)

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  • M. Nétanyahou et "l’embuscade" américaine

    27 mars 2010, par Laurent Zecchini

    Benyamin Nétanyahou a trouvé un accueil contrasté, jeudi 25 mars, à son arrivée à Jérusalem, après trois jours éprouvants à Washington. La presse israélienne parle de son "humiliation" par l’administration Obama et de l’"embuscade" qui l’attendait à la Maison Blanche.
    Le premier ministre israélien, écrivent certains éditorialistes, s’est trouvé "le dos au mur", sommé de passer sous les fourches caudines d’un Barack Obama qui, requinqué par le vote de la réforme de l’assurance-maladie, (…)

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  • US says Israeli bond ’unshakeable’

    17 March 2010,

    The US has affirmed its "unshakeable" and "unbreakable" bond with Israel amid the allies’ most public spat in years over Israel’s announcement that it would build 1,600 new settler homes.
    "We have an absolute commitment to Israel’s security. We have a close, unshakeable bond between the United States and Israel," Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, said in Washington on Tuesday.
    Her comments appeared to be much softer in tone following days of tough rhetoric after Israel (…)

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  • Petraeus Confirms Link Between Israel-Palestine and U.S. Security

    17 March 2010, by Jim Lobe

    In prepared testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee this morning, Gen. David Petraeus delivered the message that, as we’ve been writing over the last few days, Mark Parry reported on Saturday. Here’s the money quote:
    Insufficient progress toward a comprehensive Middle East peace. The enduring hostilities between Israel and some of its neighbors present distinct challenges to our ability to advance our interests in the AOR. Israeli-Palestinian tensions often flare into (…)

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  • Palestinians should now declare their independence

    12 March 2010, by Johann Hari

    This week the Obama administration - who give Israel $3bn a year, more than they dole out to any other nation on earth - made a meek and craven request for Israelis to simply have a pause in seizing even more land, and to sit down with the Palestinians. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded with a big concrete slap: the announcement of 1,600 more homes to be built on occupied Palestinian land from which Arabs will be forcibly kept out. He has made it plain he will not loosen his grip (…)

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  • Rachel Corrie Family Finally Puts Israel in Dock

    10 March 2010, by Jonathan Cook

    Seven years after Rachel Corrie, a US peace activist, was killed by an Israeli army bulldozer in Gaza, her family was to put the Israeli government in the dock today.
    A judge in the northern Israeli city of Haifa was due to be presented with evidence that 23-year-old Corrie was killed unlawfully as she stood in the path of the bulldozer, trying to prevent it from demolishing Palestinian homes in Rafah.
    Corrie’s parents, Craig and Cindy, who arrived in Israel on Saturday, said they hoped (…)

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  • U.S. gave Israel green light for East Jerusalem construction

    13 March 2010, by Akiva Eldar

    The apology offered by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Interior Minister Eli Yishai recalls the joke about the servant who pinched the king’s bottom. En route to the gallows, the servant apologized: He thought it was the queen’s bottom.
    The statement issued by Netanyahu’s bureau said that in light of the ongoing dispute between Israel and the United States over construction in East Jerusalem, the plans for new housing in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood should not have been approved (…)

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  • Colonisation à Jérusalem-Est : les condamnations pleuvent sur Israël

    10 mars 2010,

    Le vice-président américain, Joe Biden, a réaffirmé hier le soutien des États-Unis à un État palestinien « viable » lors d’une déclaration au côté du président Mahmoud Abbas à Ramallah, en Cisjordanie. « Tout le monde doit savoir qu’il n’y a pas d’alternative », a plaidé M. Biden au cours d’une visite dans les territoires palestiniens, en promettant à ses hôtes que « les États-Unis soutiendront ceux qui prennent les risques que requiert la paix ». Comme la veille, le dirigeant américain a (…)

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  • Peace not wanted

    4 March 2010, by Gideon Levy

    Israel does not want peace with Syria. Let’s take off all the masks we’ve been hiding behind and tell the truth for a change. Let’s admit that there’s no formula that suits us, except the ludicrous "peace for peace." Let’s admit it to ourselves, at least, that we do not want to leave the Golan Heights, no matter what. Forget about all the palaver, all the mediations, all the efforts.
    Let’s face it, we don’t want peace, we want to run wild, to paraphrase an Israeli pop song from the ’70s. (…)

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