Middle East Watch
La revue de presse alternative pour un Moyen Orient libre

تموز (يوليو) 2022

Middle East Watch

475 Article

  • Ethiopian students affair shows prevalent racism in Israel

    4 September 2009, by Gideon Levy

    All of a sudden, we can say "racism." A shock wave has struck complacent Israeli society. A few dozen Ethiopian children were not accepted to religious schools in Petah Tikva. That is truly terrible, everyone tsked-tsked at the heart-rending picture of Aschalo Sama, a boy without a school. Even President Shimon Peres expressed shock. Everyone is permitted to be shocked; it is politically correct.
    Oh, how beautiful we are, how enlightened we seem to ourselves. Look how we fight racism, (…)

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  • Arabs to strike against ’wave of racism’

    2 September 2009, by Roee Nahmias

    The Higher Arab Monitoring Committee announced on Wednesday that it will hold a general strike next month in protest of the government’s policies.
    In the meeting, held in Nazareth, it was decided that the strike will take place on the same day that the events of October 2000, which left 13 Israeli-Arabs dead, are commemorated. The one-day strike will include all sectors in Arab towns. This is a relatively serious move, since it has been a few years since the last general strike in the (…)

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  • Obama’s Peace Plan

    5 September 2009, by Haitham Sabbah

    A draft of the Obama peace plan, which is expected to be released at the UN Assembly meeting in New York, or at the G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh, has surfaced.
    The International Middle East Media Center’s website leaked the alleged draft of Obama’s peace plan given to them by Palestinian Legislator Hasan Khreisha. Khreisha added that the draft has been widely distributed among Palestinian and Arab leaders and the Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak, recently discussed the plan during his visit (…)

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  • Israeli plan for settlement building angers US

    4 September 2009, by Steven Gutkin

    Israel said Friday it will construct hundreds of new housing units in West Bank settlements before any slowdown in building, an announcement that drew harsh criticism from Washington, which demands a complete settlement freeze as a prelude to renewing Mideast peace talks.
    Israeli officials painted the move as a concession to the U.S. demand because it might bring a temporary halt to other construction. But since it would also mean building the new units and finishing some 2,500 others now (…)

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  • In Village, Palestinians See Model for Their Cause

    28 August 2009, by Ethan Bronner

    Every Friday for the past four and a half years, several hundred demonstrators — Palestinian villagers, foreign volunteers and Israeli activists — have walked in unison to the Israeli barrier separating this tiny village from the burgeoning settlement of Modiin Illit, part of which is built on the village’s land. One hundred feet away, Israeli soldiers watch and wait.
    The protesters chant and shout and, inevitably, a few throw stones. Then just as inevitably, the soldiers open fire with (…)

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  • Tutu to Haaretz: Arabs paying the price of the Holocaust

    28 August 2009, by Akiva Eldar

    "The lesson that Israel must learn from the Holocaust is that it can never get security through fences, walls and guns," Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu of South Africa told Haaretz Thursday.
    Commenting on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement in Germany Thursday that the lesson of the Holocaust is that Israel should always defend itself, Tutu noted that "in South Africa, they tried to get security from the barrel of a gun. They never got it. They got security when the human (…)

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  • Ascension du caractère juif d’Israël et déclin de l’arabité de la Palestine ?

    24 août 2009, par Suleiman Abu Sitta

    Tandis que les médias se préoccupent du gel ou de la poursuite de la construction des colonies et de la concurrence sur les postes du congrès de Fatah à Bethléhem, se déroule sous nos yeux la plus importante et la plus dangereuse opération sioniste depuis la Nakba de 1948, et peut-être encore plus dangereuse que la Nakba : la disparition juridique et territoriale de l’existence effective de la Palestine.
    Cette offensive ne suscite étrangement aucun intérêt ni dans le monde arabe, ni au (…)

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  • Murdering Palestinians for their organs: "All facts on the ground prove Swedish report correct"

    by Saed Bannoura

    Former Palestinian detainee, researcher Abdul-Nasser Farwana, stated that all facts on the ground, since decades, prove that the Israeli occupation executed Palestinian detainees after they surrendered and refused to hand their bodies to their families. Hundreds of bodies were transferred to the families days, months or even years after the fact, and when the bodies were sent back, they were missing vital internal organs.
    Link for the Aftonbladet report by Swedish journalist Donald Boström (…)

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  • US Turns Blind Eye to Israel’s New Separation Policy

    18 August 2009, by Jonathan Cook

    In an echo of restrictions already firmly in place in Gaza, Israel has begun barring movement between Israel and the West Bank for those holding a foreign passport, including humanitarian aid workers and thousands of Palestinian residents. The new policy is designed to force foreign citizens, mainly from North America and Europe, to choose between visiting Israel – including East Jerusalem, which Israel has annexed illegally – and the West Bank. The new regulation is in breach of (…)

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  • Peace Now: Halt illegal construction north of Jerusalem

    12 August 2009, by Efrat Weiss

    The left-wing Peace Now organization claims that construction works are being carried out to expand the settlement of Kochav Yaakov, located north of Jerusalem, eastward.
    A neighborhood with some 15 caravans has reportedly been established as part of the construction works. According to Peace Now, some of the caravans have already been connected to the water and sewage infrastructures, and a children’s playground has been set up in the area.
    The left-wing group said in a statement that (…)

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