Middle East Watch
La revue de presse alternative pour un Moyen Orient libre

تموز (يوليو) 2022

Middle East Watch

476 Article

  • Palestine, Israel and the Arab-Israeli Conflict - A Primer

    by Joel Beinin, Lisa Hajjar

    The conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Jews is a modern phenomenon, which began around the turn of the 20th century. Although these two groups have different religions (Palestinians include Muslims, Christians and Druze), religious differences are not the cause of the conflict. It is essentially a struggle over land. Until 1948, the area that both groups claimed was known internationally as Palestine. But following the war of 1948-49, this land was divided into three (…)

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  • خطـاب مفتوح للجيش

    بقلم عبد الحليم قنديل

    لا نريد جنرالا يخلف رأس النظام القائم، ويخلع البزة العسكرية ليرتدي أخري مدنية، ويترأس حزبا إداريا يحكم بلا سند ولا شرعية، ولا نريد أن ينتهي النظام الحالي إلي توريث بنسب العائلة، ولا بصلات المؤسسة الأمنية، بل أن تعود السلطة للشعب وحده، يتصرف فيها بإرادته الحرة الطليقة من كل قيد أو شبهة وصاية.
    نريد للبلاد جيشها الذي يحترم الدستور والقانون، ويحمي أمنها القومي المضيع، ويصون سلامة مصر، ويحرس خطاها، لا أن يسند نظاما يدوس القانون، ويدهس مبادئ الشرعية والدستور، وينتهك حقوق المصريين، ويسرق ثروة (…)

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  • ’Antiwar’ film Waltz with Bashir is nothing but charade

    21 February 2009, by Gideon Levy

    Everyone now has his fingers crossed for Ari Folman and all the creative artists behind "Waltz with Bashir" to win the Oscar on Sunday. A first Israeli Oscar? Why not?
    However, it must also be noted that the film is infuriating, disturbing, outrageous and deceptive. It deserves an Oscar for the illustrations and animation - but a badge of shame for its message. It was not by accident that when he won the Golden Globe, Folman didn’t even mention the war in Gaza, which was raging as he (…)

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  • Effacez le nom de mon grand-père à Yad Vashem

    28 janvier 2009, par Jean-Moïse Braitberg

    Monsieur le Président de l’Etat d’Israël, je vous écris pour que vous interveniez auprès de qui de droit afin que l’on retire du Mémorial de Yad Vashem dédié à la mémoire des victimes juives du nazisme, le nom de mon grand-père, Moshe Brajtberg, gazé à Treblinka en 1943, ainsi que ceux des autres membres de ma famille morts en déportation dans différents camps nazis durant la seconde guerre mondiale. Je vous demande d’accéder à ma demande, monsieur le président, parce que ce qui s’est passé (…)

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  • Remove Our Grandmother’s Name from the Wall at Yad Vashem

    20 February 2009, by Michael Neumann, Osha Neumann

    Following the example of Jean-Moise Braitberg, we ask that our grandmother’s name be removed from the wall at Yad Vashem. Her name is Gertrud Neumann. Your records state that she was born in Kattowitz on June 6, 1875 and died in Theresienstadt.
    M. Braitberg delivers his request with excellent reasons and eloquent personal testimony. His words are inspiring, but they give you – and those who stand with you - too much credit. I will instead be brief. Please take this as an (…)

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  • RSF dénonce les violations de la liberté de la presse à Gaza

    16 février 2009,

    "L’information a été une autre victime" de l’offensive israélienne dans la bande de Gaza en janvier, dénonce Reporters sans frontières (RSF) qui s’est rendue en Israël, dans la bande de Gaza et en Cisjordanie, pour dresser un bilan des violations de la liberté de la presse commises pendant ce conflit. Dans un rapport publié lundi 16 février, l’organisation de défense de la presse estime que "le contrôle de l’information en temps de guerre" est désormais "un objectif militaire".
    "Le (…)

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  • Pro-Palestinian Bronx Expressway banner - a Jewish initiative

    12 February 2009,

    If drivers on New York City’s Brooklyn-Queens Expressway were wondering who was responsible for hanging banners over the highway calling to "Free Palestine" - they might be surprised to discover it was an initiative by Jewish activists.
    Another banner was spotted over New York’s entrance to the Cross Bronx Expressway, at 179th Street and Amsterdam Avenue in Manhattan on Wednesday morning.
    The group is calling itself JATO (Jews against the occupation); some of its members also (…)

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  • Does Zionism legitimize every act of violence?

    12 February 2009, by Gideon Levy

    The Israeli left died in 2000. Since then its corpse has been lying around unburied until finally its death certificate was issued, signed, sealed and delivered on Tuesday. The hangman of 2000 was also the gravedigger of 2009: Defense Minister Ehud Barak. The man who succeeded in spreading the lie about there being no partner has reaped the fruit of his deeds in this election. The funeral was held two days ago.
    The Israeli left is dead. For the past nine years it took the name of the peace (…)

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  • Les résultats des élections israéliennes menacent le processus de paix

    12 février 2009, par Michel Bôle-Richard

    A regarder de près la composition de la nouvelle Knesset (Parlement), il est manifeste qu’à droite une écrasante majorité de députés sont hostiles à la solution de deux Etats vivant côte à côte : Israël et la Palestine. Or il sera difficile pour le prochain premier ministre, quel qu’il soit, de faire l’économie de ces voix pour pouvoir constituer un gouvernement.
    Dans ces conditions, les perspectives de relance du processus de paix apparaissent très limitées, en dépit des appels venus de (…)

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  • The Grand Illusion

    9 February 2009, by Gilad Atzmon

    A few days ago, Noam Shalit, the ‘father of’ slammed the Hamas for holding his son for no real reason. Miraculously, he managed to forget the fact that his son Gilad was actually a combatant soldier who served as a post guard in a concentration camp and was captured in a fortress bunker overlooking Gaza.
    Father Shalit called upon Hamas to: “stop holding us as hostages of the symbols of yesterday’s wars". He also claimed that the Hamas is engaged in no less than ’imaginary resistance’. (…)

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