Exclusive: Despite the Obama administration’s supposedly “high confidence” regarding Syrian government guilt over the Aug. 21 chemical attack near Damascus, a dozen former U.S. military and intelligence officials are telling President Obama that they are picking up information that undercuts the Official Story.
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)
SUBJECT: Is Syria a Trap?
Precedence: IMMEDIATE
We regret to inform you that some of (…)
Accueil > Mots-clés > Pays > Etats-Unis
Obama Warned on Syrian Intel
9 September 2013 -
State of recognition
24 September 2011, by Joseph MassadWhether the UN grants the PA status as a state or refuses to do so, either outcome will be in Israel’s interest.
What is at stake in Barack Obama’s vehement refusal to recognise Palestine as a mini-state with a disfigured geography and no sovereignty, and his urging the world community not to recognise it while threatening the Palestinians with retribution? What is the relationship between Obama’s refusal to recognise Palestine and his insistence on recognising Israel’s right to be a (…) -
Le lobby pro-israélien et la politique étrangère américaine
17 novembre 2007, par John Mearsheimer, Stephen WaltLe pouvoir politique du lobby ne vient pas de son poids sur les déclarations des candidats à la présidentielle pendant la campagne, mais de son influence considérable sur la politique étrangère américaine, en particulier au Moyen-orient. Les interventions américaines dans cette zone hypersensible ont d’importantes conséquences sur les habitants des quatre coins de la planète, et surtout ceux de cette région. Voyez seulement à quel point la guerre en Irak de l’administration Bush a affecté le (…)
كيف خسرت «الثورة السورية» قضيتها... ولو ربحت!
22 كانون الأول (ديسمبر) 2012, بقلم ريمون عطااللهأن يصبح النائب اللبناني عقاب صقر علماً من اعلام «الثورة السورية»، أمر يحكي لوحده قصة المآل البائس الذي آلت اليه تلك «الثورة». وهي على الاصح تحولت الى بؤرة لشتى انواع التجارات واستدراج الخدمات. اصبحت الحليف الاول للنظام الذي تدعي عزمها على اسقاطه، لأن النظام ليبقى يحتاج الى مثل تلك المعارضة الراسبة في الامتحان السياسي والاخلاقي وحتى العسكري على الرغم من كل الدعم الخارجي الذي تتلقاه بفعل المساعدات الخليجية الوافدة اليها عبر موزعي حليب الاطفال والبطانيات، لبست العقلية البدوية لرعاتها، ومنهم من (…)
The End of History
20 October 2010, by Layla AnwarThe Universe, the Cosmos, Awareness, Consciousness, Love, Hate, Friendship, Life...the triumph of Love over Death....All is made of many levels...so is History.
There is the Beginning and there is the End. There is the beginning of Civilization and there is the end of Civilization...and there are the gray areas in between, the pangs of Death and Rebirth.
History’s many levels are made of beginnings and ends...and those gray areas. Some beginnings illuminate the world and some of its (…) -
Israel’s Constant Crisis
31 December 2008, by Justin RaimondoAs the Israelis continue to pound Gaza, killing Hamas cadre, traffic cops, and civilians alike, Americans shake their heads and wonder: why can’t they all just get along? Why must we be involved? The answer to both questions lies in understanding the peculiar nature of the Israeli state and its "special relationship" to the West, specifically the U.S.
Defenders of the Israeli government and its policies often complain that Israel just wants to be treated as a "normal country," like any (…) -
U.S. drops spy charges against two ex-AIPAC officials
3 May 2009Federal prosecutors moved Friday to dismiss espionage-related charges against two former pro-Israel lobbyists accused of disclosing classified U.S. defense information, ending a tortuous inside-the-Beltway legal battle rife with national security intrigue.
Critics of the prosecution of Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee accused the federal government of trying to criminalize the sort of back-channel discussions between government officials, (…) -
عودة «الاخوان المسلمين» الى الحضن الاميركي
9 تموز (يوليو) 2011, بقلم ريمون عطااللهيجمع المراقبون على انه لم يعد سراً ان ادارة الرئيس باراك اوباما في واشنطن تجري اتصالات ومفاوضات مع جماعة «الاخوان المسلمين» في مصر، وربما في غير مصر. هذه الاتصالات تجري على صعيد البيت الابيض نفسه، وعلى صعيد وزارة الخارجية، وعلى صعيد اجهزة الاستخبارات الوطنية. لكن هذا الموضوع ما زال مدار خلاف داخل الولايات المتحدة وداخل مصر، خصوصاً مع شباب «ثورة ٢٥ يناير» التي اطاحت نظام الرئيس حسني مبارك.
برزت ملامح هذا الخلاف في واشنطن خلال مناقشة لجنة الاستخبارت الوطنية في مجلس النواب قبل اربعة اشهر (…) -
Netanyahu, Obama et l’épreuve du changement
8 mai 2009, par Emilie SueurLe 30 avril, Barack Obama passait le cap des 100 jours de sa présidence. Chiffre symbole qui a donné lieu à toute une série d’analyses sur la politique du nouveau président. Le vrai test néanmoins, le cap au passage duquel il sera intéressant de juger la politique étrangère d’Obama et sa volonté, revendiquée lors de la campagne, de « changement » par rapport à l’administration Bush, aura lieu dans quelques jours, lors de sa rencontre, prévue à la mi-mai, avec le Premier ministre israélien, (…)
US Hides Behind Iran Sanctions Threat
2 May 2009, by Kaveh L AfrasiabiWhereas United States President Barack Obama promised in his new year message to Iran that he was committed to a new diplomacy that "will not be advanced by threats", a month later this is precisely what is happening. This is in light of new White House-backed legislation in the US Congress that aims to impose "crippling sanctions" on Iran by targeting its energy imports.
The Iran Sanctions Enhancement Act, introduced by a bipartisan group of US senators, states in its preamble that its (…)