أن يصبح النائب اللبناني عقاب صقر علماً من اعلام «الثورة السورية»، أمر يحكي لوحده قصة المآل البائس الذي آلت اليه تلك «الثورة». وهي على الاصح تحولت الى بؤرة لشتى انواع التجارات واستدراج الخدمات. اصبحت الحليف الاول للنظام الذي تدعي عزمها على اسقاطه، لأن النظام ليبقى يحتاج الى مثل تلك المعارضة الراسبة في الامتحان السياسي والاخلاقي وحتى العسكري على الرغم من كل الدعم الخارجي الذي تتلقاه بفعل المساعدات الخليجية الوافدة اليها عبر موزعي حليب الاطفال والبطانيات، لبست العقلية البدوية لرعاتها، ومنهم من (…)
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كيف خسرت «الثورة السورية» قضيتها... ولو ربحت!
22 كانون الأول (ديسمبر) 2012, بقلم ريمون عطاالله -
Durban II, délire et désinformation
24 avril 2009, par Alain GreshRarement une conférence des Nations unies aura donné lieu, en Occident, à une campagne aussi puissante de désinformation, de fantasmes et de mensonges.
Libération, le 21 avril, titre à sa Une : « Un antisémite à l’ONU ». Avec, en explication : « Après le discours du président iranien, qui s’en est pris à Israël avec une rare violence, la conférence Durban II est mal partie ».
Le président Ahmadinejad est un personnage peu recommandable. Il a fait des déclarations négationnistes. Il (…) -
Ahmadinejad: “Read My Lips”
21 April 2009, by Gilad AtzmonOnce again I find myself saluting Iranian President Ahmadinejad, in full support of his words. No one could do better bringing to light European racial discriminatory sentiments.
What we saw yesterday at the UN Anti Racism Forum was crude collective institutional Islamophobic racism in its making, a coordinated show of rabid western chauvinism. A bunch of European diplomats behaving as a herd of sheep, exhibiting complete denial of the notion of freedom of speech and the culture of debate. (…) -
Fear Not
19 August 2010, by Israel Shamir1. Crying Wolf
So many people have circulated so many warnings of the forthcoming US-Israeli attack on Iran that it is hard to ignore them. A piece written by a few ex-spooks warning of a new round of war is one of these messages. In our view, spooks, ex or not, are not the most reliable people, and the CIA is not the best reference. However, this item fits with the dire predictions and accompanying Israeli U-boats to the shores of Iran. Rumours of Israeli advance forces being placed in (…) -
خامنئي ورفسنجاني و«الاتفاق ـ الصيغة»
27 حزيران (يونيو) 2009, بقلم إيلي شلهوبانسحب المحتجون من شوارع طهران (بفعل القبضة الأمنية)، وبقي الجمر يستعر تحت الرماد. أخلى صخب الاحتجاجات المكان لهدوء الحوار. استعاد طرفا الصراع لغة التفاوض، المباشر أو بالواسطة، على أمل التوصل إلى تسوية يدرك الجميع أنها ستكون أقل كلفة من الاحتكام مجدداً إلى الجماهير والعسكر. صراع جذوره بنيوية بات واضحاً أنه يتجسّد في شخصين: المرشد علي خامنئي (الذي رمى بثقله خلف نجاد) وهاشمي رفسنجاني (خلف موسوي). كل منهما يمثل مجموعة من البنى الاجتماعية ـــــ الاقتصادية، ويحتضن تحت عباءته أطيافاً سياسية ـــــ (…)
Full Text of President Ahmadinejad’s Remarks at U.N. Conference on Racism
21 April 2009, by Jeremy R. HammondAhmadinejad speaks at the U.N. conference on racism (Fabrice Coffrini/AFP/Getty Images)
This is a rush transcript of the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s remarks at the United Nations Durban Review Conference on racism in Geneva, Switzerland, on April 20, 2009.
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful… [Protestors in clown costumes escorted out by security] May he bestow upon his prophets… Praise be upon Allah, the Almighty, who is just, kind, and compassionate. May he (…) -
US Hides Behind Iran Sanctions Threat
2 May 2009, by Kaveh L AfrasiabiWhereas United States President Barack Obama promised in his new year message to Iran that he was committed to a new diplomacy that "will not be advanced by threats", a month later this is precisely what is happening. This is in light of new White House-backed legislation in the US Congress that aims to impose "crippling sanctions" on Iran by targeting its energy imports.
The Iran Sanctions Enhancement Act, introduced by a bipartisan group of US senators, states in its preamble that its (…) -
The Iranian Elections and the Hysterical Media
20 June 2009, by Ron JacobsHere comes the hysteria and bold-faced lies. In the wake of the Iranian election, various commentators and so-called reporters in the United States are reacting as if the end of the world was at hand. Although nobody knows for certain and everyone only has the words of western press pundits and an angry candidate to go by, virtually every mainstream US news source is calling the re-election of Ahmadinejad the result of fraud. There has been no verification of this from any objective (…)
Ahmadinejad, time for a change of tactics?
21 April 2009, by Mary RizzoEvery time I see Ahmadinejad go to speak at a forum, I start to put my hands in my hair. It is not that I disagree with the man, it’s simply that I can’t figure out why he has still not yet learned how the game works at least where the majority of the world’s power structure is located. It is enough for him to be announced as a visitor, be it at Columbia University, the UN General Assembly or an international forum on racism, and all the players line up to go through the motions. While his (…)
Iranian Elections: The ‘Stolen Elections’ Hoax
21 June 2009, by James Petras"Change for the poor means food and jobs, not a relaxed dress code or mixed recreation... Politics in Iran is a lot more about class war than religion." Financial Times Editorial, June 15 2009
There is hardly any election, in which the White House has a significant stake, where the electoral defeat of the pro-US candidate is not denounced as illegitimate by the entire political and mass media elite. In the most recent period, the White House and its camp followers cried (…)