صار مألوفاً ذلك الصوت المنبعث من متعدد، كلما تبدَّت أزمة المفاوضات على السطح ، مرددا: سنحل السلطة، أو حِلُّو السلطة...! ولكن السلطة باقية.
يعيدنا هذا الحديث إلى الكثير مما قيل بشأنها. بعض القوى الفلسطينية رددت منذ مفاوضات مدريد اوسلو أنها سوف تُسقط أوسلو. ومن يتذكر لا بد يستحضر نصائح وُجهت إليهم حينها: «قولوا نحن ضد اوسلو...فلو كان بوسعنا إسقاطها لما حصلت» اي لا ترفعوا شعارات يبين للناس سريعاً أنكم غير قادرين على التقدم بها وإنجازها.... ومع السنين بقي شعار : «نحن ضد اوسلو» ...بينما ينخرط (…)
Accueil > Mots-clés > Thèmes > Occupation
من تحرير الوطن لهيمنة إيديولوجيا التسوية وانتهاء ب "الكلبشة" للمصارف
11 تموز (يوليو) 2010, بقلم د. عادل سمارة -
#opIsrael – Anonymous stands by Palestine in this time of war and grief
17 November 2012Greetings World
For far too long, Anonymous has stood by with the rest of the world and watched in despair the barbaric, brutal and despicable treatment of the Palestinian people in the so called “Occupied Territories” by the Israel Defense Force. Like so many around the globe, we have felt helpless in the face of such implacable evil. And today’s insane attack and threatened invasion of Gaza was more of the same.
But when the government of Israel publicly threatened to sever all (…) -
Israel’s Kafkaesque "Matrix of Control"
3 février 2007, par Stephen LendmanFinding an equitable solution to the intractable, festering decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the Gordian Knot that must be cut to achieve peace overall in the Middle East. Today, no solution is in sight nor are any serious efforts planned to find one despite occasional rhetoric to the contrary like what’s now being heard from Washington with similar disingenuous echos inside Israel.
Palestinians know otherwise from long experience. They’ve heard this siren song before. It’s the (…) -
Learning the Nakba as a condition for peace and reconciliation
5 April 2009, by Norma MusihThe Jewish people in Israel, or at least most of them, live in complete ignorance or even denial of the Palestinian disaster that took place in 1948, the Nakba. The Nakba has no place in the language, the landscape, the environment, and the memory of the Jewish collective in Israel.
Traveling in Israel, one may find signposts, landmarks and memorials that create and sustain the Jewish-Israeli narrative. Jewish-Israeli events that took place more than 2,000 years ago are celebrated through (…) -
George Habash’s contribution to the Palestinian Struggle
2 February 2008, by As’ad AbuKhalilI lived more than half of my life in the US and I never felt the alienation that I felt on the day I read George Habash, the Palestinian revolutionary who passed away last week, labeled as a "terrorism tactician" in a front page obituary in The New York Times. What do you do when they want to convince you that a kind and gentle man you met and respected as a person is a terrorist when you know otherwise? Do you quibble with their definitions to no avail? Do you go back and see how they wrote (…)
State of recognition
24 September 2011, by Joseph MassadWhether the UN grants the PA status as a state or refuses to do so, either outcome will be in Israel’s interest.
What is at stake in Barack Obama’s vehement refusal to recognise Palestine as a mini-state with a disfigured geography and no sovereignty, and his urging the world community not to recognise it while threatening the Palestinians with retribution? What is the relationship between Obama’s refusal to recognise Palestine and his insistence on recognising Israel’s right to be a (…) -
Murdering Palestinians for their organs: "All facts on the ground prove Swedish report correct"
24 August 2009, by Saed BannouraFormer Palestinian detainee, researcher Abdul-Nasser Farwana, stated that all facts on the ground, since decades, prove that the Israeli occupation executed Palestinian detainees after they surrendered and refused to hand their bodies to their families. Hundreds of bodies were transferred to the families days, months or even years after the fact, and when the bodies were sent back, they were missing vital internal organs.
Link for the Aftonbladet report by Swedish journalist Donald Boström (…) -
Israeli plan for settlement building angers US
5 September 2009, by Steven GutkinIsrael said Friday it will construct hundreds of new housing units in West Bank settlements before any slowdown in building, an announcement that drew harsh criticism from Washington, which demands a complete settlement freeze as a prelude to renewing Mideast peace talks.
Israeli officials painted the move as a concession to the U.S. demand because it might bring a temporary halt to other construction. But since it would also mean building the new units and finishing some 2,500 others now (…) -
Utopia as Alibi: Said, Barenboim and the Divan Orchestra
20 December 2009, by Raymond DeanAs a classical musician involved in pro-Palestinian activism, I frequently encounter the assumption that I am an unconditional admirer of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra (WEDO). My reservations on this score tend to produce shocked disapproval: How could I not enthuse about such an idealistic project, particularly since it was co-founded by the late Edward Said, a figure for whom I have frequently expressed respect and admiration?
In truth, I have always been a little wary of Said’s (…) -
Israeli Economy for Beginners
14 August 2011, by Gilad AtzmonWe learn from the press and political analysts that, against all odds and in spite of the global financial turmoil, Israel’s economy is booming. Some even suggest that Israel is one of the strongest economies around.
‘How come?’ you may ask; besides maybe avocado, oranges, and some Dead Sea beauty products, none of us has actually ever seen an Israeli product on the shelves. They don’t make cars; nor do they make electric or electronic appliances, and they hardly manufacture any (…)