تفاقمت في الآونة الأخيرة أزمة الكنائس المسيحية في القدس مع السلطات الإسرائيلية، وخصوصاً الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية صاحبة المساحات الأكبر من الأراضي والعقارات داخل المدينة المقدسة، حول مشروع القانون المقترح في الكنيست الذي يقضي بمصادرة الأملاك المباعة من الكنائس لمستثمرين خصوصيين. وقد بعث رؤساء الكنائس المسيحية الثلاثة، الأرثوذكسي، والكاثوليكي، والأرمني، برسالة تحذيرية عاجلة الى رئيس الحكومة الإسرائيلية بنيامين نتانياهو، يطالبونه فيها بوقف مشروع القانون المقترح حول بيع الأراضي الوقفية ومصادرتها. (…)
Accueil > Mots-clés > Thèmes > Sionisme
تضييق اسرائيلي على المسيحيين لتهجيرهم !
28 تموز (يوليو) 2018, بقلم ريمون عطاالله -
Obama Warned on Syrian Intel
9 September 2013Exclusive: Despite the Obama administration’s supposedly “high confidence” regarding Syrian government guilt over the Aug. 21 chemical attack near Damascus, a dozen former U.S. military and intelligence officials are telling President Obama that they are picking up information that undercuts the Official Story.
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)
SUBJECT: Is Syria a Trap?
Precedence: IMMEDIATE
We regret to inform you that some of (…) -
The language of Zionism
13 May 2010, by Joseph MassadThe reason for the ongoing "violence" in Israel and Palestine is not on account of Israeli colonialism at all but rather a direct result of mistranslation. Joseph Massad provides an abridged lexicon of Zionist terminology
Israël, Palestine - Vérités sur un conflit
18 mars 2007, par Alain GreshNaissance d’Israël, naufrage de la Palestine
La conquête de la terre comme le "refoulement" des autochtones confirment la dimension coloniale du mouvement sioniste. L’un de ses cadres reconnaît dès les années 1910 : "La question arabe s’est révélée dans toute son acuité dès le premier achat de terres, lorsque je dus expulser pour la première fois des habitants arabes pour y installer à la place nos frères. Longtemps après continua de résonner à mes oreilles la triste complainte des (…) -
28 February 2009, by Nizar SakhniniPROLOGUE: The Zionist propaganda began with a big lie claiming that Palestine was a “land without people for a people without a land”. Palestine, however, was not a ‘land without people’. Accordingly, creation of a ‘Jewish State’ with a ‘Jewish Majority’ implied getting rid of its indigenous population and stealing their homes and lands. The pre-planned and pre-meditated Zionist efforts for Ethnic Cleansing and Land Theft started in 1948 and never stopped to this date.
The Facts About Hamas and the War on Gaza
14 January 2009, by Norman FinkelsteinThe record is fairly clear. You can find it on the Israeli website, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. Israel broke the ceasefire by going into the Gaza and killing six or seven Palestinian militants. At that point—and now I’m quoting the official Israeli website—Hamas retaliated or, in retaliation for the Israeli attack, then launched the missiles.
Now, as to the reason why, the record is fairly clear as well. According to Ha’aretz, Defense Minister Barak began plans for this (…) -
Margaret Thatcher’s Criminal Legacy
14 April 2013, by Finian CunninghamHours after the death of former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, the history books are being re-written and the beatification of the Iron Lady is well underway.
Current British premier David Cameron praised Lady Thatcher for having “saved Britain” and for making the has-been colonial power “great again”.
Tributes poured forth from French and German leaders, Francoise Hollande and Angela Merkel, while US President Barack Obama said America had lost a “special friend”.
Former (…) -
رامسفبلد لشولتز: لا عدل ولا سلام في الشرق الاوسط بل نزاع وابتزاز وقتل!
25 نيسان (أبريل) 2015, بقلم ريمون عطااللهفي اواخر عام ١٩٨٣ اوفد جورج شولتز، وزير الخارجية الاميركي في ادارة الرئيس رونالد رمغان، مبعوثاً خاصاً الى لبنان والمنطقة لتقصي الاوضاع هناك. والمبعوث هذا هو دونالد رامسفيلد الذي كان وزيراً للدفاع في ادارة الرئيس جيرالد فورد، ثم اصبح لاحقاً وزيراً للدفاع في ادارة الرئيس جورج دبليو بوش يوم تقرر غزو العراق وإطاحة نظام صدام حسين عام ٢٠٠٣. فكان اصغر وزراء الدفاع سناً في تاربخ الولايات المتحدة في ولايته الاولى، وكان اكبر وزراء الدفاع سناً في تاربخ اميركا في ولايتة الثانية. وقد حصل «الديبلوماسي» (…)
Fear Not
19 August 2010, by Israel Shamir1. Crying Wolf
So many people have circulated so many warnings of the forthcoming US-Israeli attack on Iran that it is hard to ignore them. A piece written by a few ex-spooks warning of a new round of war is one of these messages. In our view, spooks, ex or not, are not the most reliable people, and the CIA is not the best reference. However, this item fits with the dire predictions and accompanying Israeli U-boats to the shores of Iran. Rumours of Israeli advance forces being placed in (…) -
Ahmadinejad, time for a change of tactics?
21 April 2009, by Mary RizzoEvery time I see Ahmadinejad go to speak at a forum, I start to put my hands in my hair. It is not that I disagree with the man, it’s simply that I can’t figure out why he has still not yet learned how the game works at least where the majority of the world’s power structure is located. It is enough for him to be announced as a visitor, be it at Columbia University, the UN General Assembly or an international forum on racism, and all the players line up to go through the motions. While his (…)