After three weeks of carnage in Gaza, there were tentative signs of a ceasefire last night. But the bitter legacy of the past 22 days for Israel is that, while it declares victory on the battlefield, the country’s reputation has rarely sunk so low.
Yesterday the United Nations called for a war crimes investigation after two children, aged five and seven, were killed when, it claimed, an Israeli tank shell hit a school sheltering some of the more than 40,000 internally displaced refugees. (…)
Accueil > Mots-clés > Thèmes > Sionisme
Victorious, but vilified: Israel has ’destroyed its image and its soul’
18 January 2009, by Donald Macintyre, Kim Sengupta -
Durban II, délire et désinformation
24 avril 2009, par Alain GreshRarement une conférence des Nations unies aura donné lieu, en Occident, à une campagne aussi puissante de désinformation, de fantasmes et de mensonges.
Libération, le 21 avril, titre à sa Une : « Un antisémite à l’ONU ». Avec, en explication : « Après le discours du président iranien, qui s’en est pris à Israël avec une rare violence, la conférence Durban II est mal partie ».
Le président Ahmadinejad est un personnage peu recommandable. Il a fait des déclarations négationnistes. Il (…) -
Israel’s Constant Crisis
31 December 2008, by Justin RaimondoAs the Israelis continue to pound Gaza, killing Hamas cadre, traffic cops, and civilians alike, Americans shake their heads and wonder: why can’t they all just get along? Why must we be involved? The answer to both questions lies in understanding the peculiar nature of the Israeli state and its "special relationship" to the West, specifically the U.S.
Defenders of the Israeli government and its policies often complain that Israel just wants to be treated as a "normal country," like any (…) -
Ahmadinejad, time for a change of tactics?
21 April 2009, by Mary RizzoEvery time I see Ahmadinejad go to speak at a forum, I start to put my hands in my hair. It is not that I disagree with the man, it’s simply that I can’t figure out why he has still not yet learned how the game works at least where the majority of the world’s power structure is located. It is enough for him to be announced as a visitor, be it at Columbia University, the UN General Assembly or an international forum on racism, and all the players line up to go through the motions. While his (…)
The Facts About Hamas and the War on Gaza
14 January 2009, by Norman FinkelsteinThe record is fairly clear. You can find it on the Israeli website, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. Israel broke the ceasefire by going into the Gaza and killing six or seven Palestinian militants. At that point—and now I’m quoting the official Israeli website—Hamas retaliated or, in retaliation for the Israeli attack, then launched the missiles.
Now, as to the reason why, the record is fairly clear as well. According to Ha’aretz, Defense Minister Barak began plans for this (…) -
Manifest Destiny and Israel
16 April 2008, by Uri AvneryNEXT MONTH, Israel will celebrate its 60th anniversary. The government is working feverishly to make this day into an occasion of joy and jubilation. While serious problems are crying out for funds, some 40 million dollars have been allocated to this aim.
Bur the nation is in no mood for celebrations. It is gloomy. From all directions the government is blamed for this gloom. "They have no agenda" is the refrain, "Their only concern is their own survival." (The word "agenda", with its (…) -
La deuxième mort du judaïsme
18 janvier 2009, par Eric HazanLes millions de juifs qui ont été exterminés par les nazis dans les plaines de Pologne avaient des traits communs qui permettent de parler d’un judaïsme européen. Ce n’était pas tant le sentiment d’appartenance à un peuple mythique, ni la religion car beaucoup d’entre eux s’en étaient détachés : c’étaient des éléments de culture commune. Elle ne se réduisait pas à des recettes de cuisine, ni à des histoires véhiculant le fameux humour juif, ni à une langue, car tous ne parlaient pas le (…)
صدامات أم الفحم: نموذج أوَّلي لتصفية القضية
28 آذار (مارس) 2009, بقلم د. عادل سمارةحتى لو بدأنا قراءة الصراع العربي-الصهيوني من مذبحة غزة، لكان ذلك كافٍ لرؤية الخطر المحدق والخطر القادم بتصميم من مختلف الأطراف الرسمية تجاه حق الشعب الفلسطيني والأمة العربية ومستقبلهما. وهو خطر ينقسم إلى مستويين وليس نقيضين:
– في المستوى الأول مشروع صهيوني رقم (أ) بطرد فلسطينيي ١٩٤٨ إلى الضفة الغربية والأردن، وهذا ما تقبله الأطراف العربية الرسمية، دون إعلان، على أمل أن يكتفي الكيان الصهيوني بهذا ويمنح سلطة الحكم الذاتي ما يقارب دولة!
– وفي المستوى الثاني، أن هذا الطرد هو مقدمة لطرد كل من (…) -
Peace now settlement watch - Periodic Report May-October 2007
16 November 2007, by Peace NowDeclarations of "freezing the settlements"
In recent months the government of Israel has declared in different contexts its intention to freeze construction in settlements. It was recently published that the defense minister froze approval of construction plans as part of "applying pressure" on the settlers in the negotiations over evacuating the outposts. However, the defense minister’s office did not confirm there really was such an order. It appears to be an attempt by the settlers to (…) -
Israel’s Righteous Fury and its Victims in Gaza
9 January 2009, by Ilan PappeMy visit back home to the Galilee coincided with the genocidal Israeli attack on Gaza. The state, through its media and with the help of its academia, broadcasted one unanimous voice — even louder than the one heard during the criminal attack against Lebanon in the summer of 2006. Israel is engulfed once more with righteous fury that translates into destructive policies in the Gaza Strip. This appalling self-justification for the inhumanity and impunity is not just annoying, it is a subject (…)