انتابني شعور بالهلع حين سمعت مصطلح الفلسطيني الجديد لأنه بدا استعادة لتجربة صناعة الهندي الجديد، التي تعد احدى الجرائم التاريخية الكبرى.
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الذي تحدث عن الفلسطيني الجديد هو الجنرال كيث دايتون الذي يتولى رسميا وظيفة المنسق الأمني وهو يقيم في تل أبيب ملحقا بالسفارة الأمريكية هناك. أما وظيفته الفعلية فهي الاشراف على تهيئة الأوضاع في الضفة الغربية بحيث تتوافق تماما مع الرغبات والمخططات الاسرائيلية. وهي المهمة التي يحتل رأس أولوياتها تهدئة الهواجس الأمنية الاسرائيلية. من خلال تخليق جيل من (…)
It was President Barack Obama’s maiden speech, one intended to seek a new era of global cooperation, but it was not without controversy.
Obama shrugged off the go-it-alone brand of diplomacy espoused by former President George W. Bush and called on world nations to join him in solving global crises. But his harsh demands on Israel touched off a furor.
"We continue to emphasize that America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israel settlements," Obama said.
Jewish leaders moved (…)
It’s as if U.S. President Barack Obama did the least he had to. He "rebuked" Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. That’s not how a president with star power acts. That is not how a superpower does things. America is again falling down on the job, and Obama is betraying his mission and the promise of his presidency.
True, it’s an anomaly that the United States wants a peace settlement more than the hawkish parties to the conflict, but the leader of the (…)
Increasingly fractious relations between the US and Israel hit a low unseen in nearly two decades yesterday after the Jewish state rejected President Obama’s demand for an end to settlement construction in the West Bank, and the president responded by suggesting that Israeli intransigence endangers America’s security.
The dispute, which blew in during the open hours before Obama met the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, reflects the depth of the shift in US policy away from accommodating (…)
Arab states in the UN nuclear assembly on Friday won narrow approval of a resolution urging Israel to put all its atomic sites under UN inspection and join the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Israel deplored the measure for singling it out while many of its neighbors remained hostile to its existence, and said it would not cooperate with it.
The non-binding resolution, which passed for the first time in 18 years of attempts thanks to more developing-nation votes, voiced concern about (…)
Timing is everything.
On Monday, the United States assumed its seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council — the one the Bush administration had cold-shouldered, then boycotted. The U.S. representative declared in Obamaesque tones, "Make no mistake: The United States will not look the other way in the face of serious human rights abuses."
And on Tuesday, Justice Richard Goldstone and his team submitted the report of their fact-finding mission into violations of international human (…)
Le président d’une mission de l’ONU auteur d’un rapport accusant Israël de crimes de guerre à Gaza, Richard Goldstone, a rejeté les sévères critiques israéliennes mettant en doute l’impartialité de l’enquête, dans une interview diffusée jeudi sur la télévision publique israélienne.
"Je démens totalement cela", a affirmé le juge sud-africain, ancien procureur lors des procès sur l’ex-Yougoslavie et le Rwanda. "J’ai été totalement indépendant, personne ne m’a dicté le résultat qui est la (…)
The Independent reports that a United Nations fact-finding inquiry has found that Israel committed war crimes during its attack on Gaza last winter, as did the Palestinian Hamas. The lion’s share of blame in the report, however, falls on Israeli forces, which stand accused of planning out a disproportionate use of force, the punishing of a civilian population, and reckless disregard for civilian lives— all of which are war crimes in international law. The report suggests that some Israeli (…)
C’est un chemin escarpé et incertain qu’a décidé d’emprunter le premier ministre israélien, Benyamin Nétanyahou. Faisant fi du concert de protestations internationales entraîné par l’annonce d’une relance de la colonisation, il vient de donner son feu vert à la construction de 455 nouveaux logements en Cisjordanie, tout en s’efforçant de négocier un accord - encore hypothétique - avec Washington sur un gel de la colonisation juive dans les territoires palestiniens occupés. Le ministre de la (…)
Selon les spécialistes américains du Proche-Orient, les manœuvres du premier ministre israélien, Benyamin Nétanyahou, pour repousser l’exigence du président américain, Barack Obama, d’un "gel total" de la colonisation dans les territoires palestiniens occupés ne font que rendre plus décisive la définition des grandes lignes d’un plan de paix que M. Obama est supposé délivrer fin septembre.
Les réactions enregistrées depuis trois jours sont les plus outrées entendues depuis longtemps à (…)