Zochrot est une organisation israélienne unique : elle tente de retrouver les traces des villages arabes détruits lors de la création d’Israël en 1948, afin d’empêcher que leur souvenir ne disparaisse entièrement de la mémoire collective. « Nous avons posé plus de cent panneaux de marquage, tous ont été enlevés », déclare Eitan Bronstein, le directeur de Zochrot (Souvenir en hébreu), en parcourant les ruines de Simsim, un ancien village arabe proche de la bande de Gaza. « Je ne serais pas (…)
Accueil > Mots-clés > Pays > Palestine
En Israël, une association déterre le passé enfoui de plusieurs villages arabes rasés
5 avril 2009 -
Gaza, remember?
19 April 2009, by Gideon LevyAlyan Abu-Aun is lying in his tent, his crutches beside him. He smokes cigarettes and stares into the tiny tent’s empty space. His young son sits on his lap. Ten people are crammed into the tent, about the size of a small room. It has been their home for three months. Nothing remains of their previous home, which the Israel Defense Forces shelled during Operation Cast Lead. They are refugees for a second time; Abu-Aun’s mother still remembers her home in Sumsum, a town that once stood near (…)
مساء الخير ياعرب.. مسا أمة كلها عطبّ ..؟؟
21 كانون الأول (ديسمبر) 2012, بقلم بلال فورانيمساء يليق بكم .. ولا عندي لياقة لاستقباله بالشكل الجميل فعذراً منكم مساء الوجعّ الذي لا أفردّ له جناحي .. لكنه بكل شطارة يسرقّ ريشي مني ويطير مساء الموت الذي فاحت رائحته من جثث أبناء غزة وما زال العرب يتغزلون بعطور فرنسا مساء الدم الساخن…الذي ينسكب على الأرض الفلسطينية كي يسقي العرب بعض الكرامة مساء ضحكة طفل فلسطيني مات تحت التراب قبل أن يتعلمّ البكاء على أرض الميعاد مساء الأقنعة المزيفة .. التي سقطت بكل تطرفّ أعمى أمام أمة يفترضّ بأنها أمة وسطى مساء التسولّ الرخيص من أنصاف رجال يجلسون في (…)
If I were a Palestinian
27 avril 2009, par Akiva EldarIn a moment of candor, Ehud Barak once said : "If I were a Palestinian of the right age, I would join, at some point, one of the terrorist groups."
If I were a Palestinian, of any age, I would declare an all-out war on all terrorist groups and fulfill the demand of the Jews to recognize the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish people. Furthermore, as a present on the birthday of the Jewish people, as it completes 61 years of existence, I would announce that I also respect its (…) -
La création d’un État palestinien minée par la poursuite de la colonisation en Cisjordanie
28 avril 2009La poursuite au rythme actuel de la colonisation israélienne en Cisjordanie occupée risque d’anéantir les chances de création d’un État palestinien aux côtés d’Israël, a mis en garde hier l’ONG israélienne Ir Amim. « Si la colonisation continue, il sera bientôt trop tard pour une solution au conflit basée sur deux États. Ce sera l’impasse absolue », a averti l’avocat Daniel Seidemann, à la tête de cette ONG, qui s’est spécialisée dans le suivi de la colonisation de la partie orientale de (…)
A racist Jewish state
19 April 2009Every day the Knesset has the option of passing laws that will advance Israel as a democratic Jewish state or turn it into a racist Jewish state. There is a very thin line between the two. This week, the line was crossed. If the Knesset legal counselor did not consider the bill entitled "the Jewish National Fund Law" as sufficiently racist to keep it off the agenda, it is hard to imagine what legislation she will consider racist.
In 1995 the Supreme Court rescued the state from callously (…) -
The Joke in Annapolis
27 November 2007, by Uri AvneryThe Annapolis conference is a joke. Though not in the least funny. Like quite a lot of political initiatives, this one too, according to all the indications, started more or less by accident. George Bush was due to make a speech. He was looking for a theme that would give it some substance. Something that would divert attention away from his fiascos in Iraq and Afghanistan. Something simple, optimistic, easy to swallow. Somehow, the idea of a "meeting" of leaders to promote the (…)
Mahmoud Abbas and Barack Obama: tragic hero vs political prostitute
24 September 2011, by Uri AvneryA wonderful speech. A beautiful speech.
The language expressive and elegant. The arguments clear and convincing. The delivery flawless.
A work of art. The art of hypocrisy. Almost every statement in the passage concerning the Israeli-Palestinian issue was a lie. A blatant lie: the speaker knew it was a lie, and so did the audience.
It was Obama at his best, Obama at his worst.
Being a moral person, he must have felt the urge to vomit. Being a pragmatic person, he knew that he had to (…) -
Palestine: A Century of Resistance against Globalized Settler Colonial Terror
11 December 2009, by Adel SamaraAn address prepared for Kurd, Turk and French workers, Leon-France
25 November 2009.
28 February 2009, by Nizar SakhniniPROLOGUE: The Zionist propaganda began with a big lie claiming that Palestine was a “land without people for a people without a land”. Palestine, however, was not a ‘land without people’. Accordingly, creation of a ‘Jewish State’ with a ‘Jewish Majority’ implied getting rid of its indigenous population and stealing their homes and lands. The pre-planned and pre-meditated Zionist efforts for Ethnic Cleansing and Land Theft started in 1948 and never stopped to this date.