Quel est le bénéfice attendu par Israël, au terme de cette énième entreprise de bombardement, "Plomb durci" ? Sécuriser les citoyens israéliens. Anéantir le Hamas. Connaît-on un cas de figure ayant prouvé, par le passé, que la méthode pouvait marcher ?
L’opération "Raisins de la colère", accompagnée du massacre de Cana, au Liban, en 1996 ? Elle a renforcé le Hezbollah et s’est soldée par le retrait des troupes israéliennes du Liban sud en 2000. L’opération "Rempart à Jénine", au printemps (…)
Accueil > Mots-clés > Pays > ِEntité sionisteen]Zionist entity
ِEntité sionisteen]Zionist entity
Logique de purification ethnique à Gaza
6 janvier 2009, par Dominique Eddé -
US Hides Behind Iran Sanctions Threat
2 May 2009, by Kaveh L AfrasiabiWhereas United States President Barack Obama promised in his new year message to Iran that he was committed to a new diplomacy that "will not be advanced by threats", a month later this is precisely what is happening. This is in light of new White House-backed legislation in the US Congress that aims to impose "crippling sanctions" on Iran by targeting its energy imports.
The Iran Sanctions Enhancement Act, introduced by a bipartisan group of US senators, states in its preamble that its (…) -
What about the Arabs’ natural growth?
2 July 2009, by Akiva EldarIt seems that never before has so much been written and said about the "natural growth" of so few. The issue of construction in the West Bank settlements for the sake of the future generation is threatening to sabotage Israel’s relations with the U.S., or undermine Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s relations with the settlers and their representatives in the Likud and Israel’s right wing.
Maybe it is no coincidence that the government spokespeople insist on describing the homes for "sons (…) -
Arabs-Israelis protest against Jewish state’s ’racism’
19 April 2009Thousands of Arab-Israelis on Monday demonstrated against what they called Israel’s "racism" at a rally commemorating the killing of six people in a 1976 protest against land grabs. Arab-Israeli MPs, mayors and other dignitaries were among the demonstrators in the annual Land Day protest at Deir Hanna village in Israel’s Galilee region.
Waving Palestinian flags and green banners - the color of the Islamic movement - as well as the symbols of the various Arab-Israeli parties, the (…) -
من تحرير الوطن لهيمنة إيديولوجيا التسوية وانتهاء ب "الكلبشة" للمصارف
11 تموز (يوليو) 2010, بقلم د. عادل سمارةصار مألوفاً ذلك الصوت المنبعث من متعدد، كلما تبدَّت أزمة المفاوضات على السطح ، مرددا: سنحل السلطة، أو حِلُّو السلطة...! ولكن السلطة باقية.
يعيدنا هذا الحديث إلى الكثير مما قيل بشأنها. بعض القوى الفلسطينية رددت منذ مفاوضات مدريد اوسلو أنها سوف تُسقط أوسلو. ومن يتذكر لا بد يستحضر نصائح وُجهت إليهم حينها: «قولوا نحن ضد اوسلو...فلو كان بوسعنا إسقاطها لما حصلت» اي لا ترفعوا شعارات يبين للناس سريعاً أنكم غير قادرين على التقدم بها وإنجازها.... ومع السنين بقي شعار : «نحن ضد اوسلو» ...بينما ينخرط (…) -
#opIsrael – Anonymous stands by Palestine in this time of war and grief
17 November 2012Greetings World
For far too long, Anonymous has stood by with the rest of the world and watched in despair the barbaric, brutal and despicable treatment of the Palestinian people in the so called “Occupied Territories” by the Israel Defense Force. Like so many around the globe, we have felt helpless in the face of such implacable evil. And today’s insane attack and threatened invasion of Gaza was more of the same.
But when the government of Israel publicly threatened to sever all (…) -
The Facts About Hamas and the War on Gaza
14 January 2009, by Norman FinkelsteinThe record is fairly clear. You can find it on the Israeli website, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. Israel broke the ceasefire by going into the Gaza and killing six or seven Palestinian militants. At that point—and now I’m quoting the official Israeli website—Hamas retaliated or, in retaliation for the Israeli attack, then launched the missiles.
Now, as to the reason why, the record is fairly clear as well. According to Ha’aretz, Defense Minister Barak began plans for this (…) -
Obama Warned on Syrian Intel
9 September 2013Exclusive: Despite the Obama administration’s supposedly “high confidence” regarding Syrian government guilt over the Aug. 21 chemical attack near Damascus, a dozen former U.S. military and intelligence officials are telling President Obama that they are picking up information that undercuts the Official Story.
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)
SUBJECT: Is Syria a Trap?
Precedence: IMMEDIATE
We regret to inform you that some of (…) -
L’opposition entre rhétorique occidentale et dialectique orientale est au coeur du conflit entre Israël et le Hezbollah
21 juillet 2006, par Percy KempL’inversion des discours
Quelle que soit l’issue du bras de fer qui s’est engagé en ce mois de juillet entre Israël et le Hezbollah libanais, il apparaît d’ores et déjà que quelque chose a changé qui devrait nous affecter sur la durée.
Ce n’est pas tant qu’on a pu voir pour la première fois des Arabes tenir tête à l’armée israélienne, suggérant qu’un certain changement serait intervenu dans l’équilibre usuel des forces. C’est plutôt sur le plan épistémologique qu’un véritable changement (…) -
Learning the Nakba as a condition for peace and reconciliation
5 April 2009, by Norma MusihThe Jewish people in Israel, or at least most of them, live in complete ignorance or even denial of the Palestinian disaster that took place in 1948, the Nakba. The Nakba has no place in the language, the landscape, the environment, and the memory of the Jewish collective in Israel.
Traveling in Israel, one may find signposts, landmarks and memorials that create and sustain the Jewish-Israeli narrative. Jewish-Israeli events that took place more than 2,000 years ago are celebrated through (…)