Israel is possibly the only state where such a question could have any meaning. According to the declaration of Independence, Israel belongs to the entire Jewish people, not only to those who choose to live here. This is the foundation for the ‘law of return’, under which every Jew has, upon arrival, the right to immediate Israeli citizenship. This means that Israeli actions are carried out on behalf of the Jewish people and that the Jewish people shares responsibility for Israeli policy. (…)
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ِEntité sionisteen]Zionist entity
Israel - a Jewish State or a state of its citizens ?
8 May 2009, by Oren Medicks -
Nous, Juifs contre les frappes d’Israël
20 avril 2007Voici vingt-quatre ans, Israël lançait au Liban l’opération « Paix en Galilée », qui allait, par les bombardements terrestres et aériens, faire des centaines de victimes civiles et qui devait aussi, du fait de l’appui apporté par Israël à ses supplétifs libanais, conduire aux massacres de Sabra et Chatila. C’est alors que, grâce à l’initiative de Pierre Vidal-Naquet notamment , fut lancé un appel de cent intellectuels juifs qui se désolidarisaient des soutiens inconditionnels à l’opération (…)
The Joke in Annapolis
27 November 2007, by Uri AvneryThe Annapolis conference is a joke. Though not in the least funny. Like quite a lot of political initiatives, this one too, according to all the indications, started more or less by accident. George Bush was due to make a speech. He was looking for a theme that would give it some substance. Something that would divert attention away from his fiascos in Iraq and Afghanistan. Something simple, optimistic, easy to swallow. Somehow, the idea of a "meeting" of leaders to promote the (…)
Belgian campaign targets bank financing Israeli settlements
5 April 2009, by Adri NieuwhofIn a remarkably short period of time, activists in Belgium have built a strong basis for the campaign "Israel colonizes — Dexia funds," asking the bank to divest from its subsidiary Dexia Israel because of its financing of the expansion of illegal settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The Israeli settlements violate Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, prohibiting the Occupying Power to deport or transfer parts of its civilian population into the territory it occupies, (…)
Remove Our Grandmother’s Name from the Wall at Yad Vashem
21 February 2009, by Michael Neumann, Osha NeumannFollowing the example of Jean-Moise Braitberg, we ask that our grandmother’s name be removed from the wall at Yad Vashem. Her name is Gertrud Neumann. Your records state that she was born in Kattowitz on June 6, 1875 and died in Theresienstadt.
M. Braitberg delivers his request with excellent reasons and eloquent personal testimony. His words are inspiring, but they give you – and those who stand with you - too much credit. I will instead be brief. Please take this as an (…) -
Mahmoud Abbas and Barack Obama: tragic hero vs political prostitute
24 September 2011, by Uri AvneryA wonderful speech. A beautiful speech.
The language expressive and elegant. The arguments clear and convincing. The delivery flawless.
A work of art. The art of hypocrisy. Almost every statement in the passage concerning the Israeli-Palestinian issue was a lie. A blatant lie: the speaker knew it was a lie, and so did the audience.
It was Obama at his best, Obama at his worst.
Being a moral person, he must have felt the urge to vomit. Being a pragmatic person, he knew that he had to (…) -
Palestine: A Century of Resistance against Globalized Settler Colonial Terror
11 December 2009, by Adel SamaraAn address prepared for Kurd, Turk and French workers, Leon-France
25 November 2009.
28 February 2009, by Nizar SakhniniPROLOGUE: The Zionist propaganda began with a big lie claiming that Palestine was a “land without people for a people without a land”. Palestine, however, was not a ‘land without people’. Accordingly, creation of a ‘Jewish State’ with a ‘Jewish Majority’ implied getting rid of its indigenous population and stealing their homes and lands. The pre-planned and pre-meditated Zionist efforts for Ethnic Cleansing and Land Theft started in 1948 and never stopped to this date.
Israël envisagerait de doubler le nombre de colons en Cisjordanie
2 mars 2009Le gouvernement sortant israélien a préparé des plans de colonisation intensive visant à quasiment doubler le nombre de colons en Cisjordanie occupée, selon un rapport publié, lundi 2 mars, par le mouvement anti-colonisation La Paix maintenant.
Ces plans de colonisation, élaborés par le ministère de l’habitat et qui doivent encore être soumis par le prochain gouvernement de droite, prévoient la construction de 73 000 logements dans les prochaines années, dont 5 700 dans des quartiers de (…) -
Birth of a settlement
22 May 2009, by Joseph Dana, Mairav ZonszeinHilltop 26 is the name of an illegal settlement outpost atop a tranquil, windswept hill just outside Kiryat Arba, in the southern West Bank. From its top, one can see the red roofs of the Jewish settlement to the south and, in the distance, the outskirts of the holy city of Hebron. Over the past two months, adolescent settlers from Kiryat Arba have built a structure atop Hilltop 26 that they use as a clubhouse for eating, studying and hanging out. Although Hilltop 26 was dismantled in 1999, (…)