قد تكون الحرب مع حزب الله من الحروب الطويلة نسبياً في الصراع العربي الإسرائيلي إذ دامت ثلاثة وثلاثون يوماً، وبرأي البعض ستة اسابيع. ورغم طول هذه الحرب مقارنة بغيرها وبالقرار الإسرائيلي المعروف تقليدياً، بأن اية حرب تخوضها إسرائيل يجب أن لا تكون طويلة، إلا أن من أهم وقائعها أنها دفعت قرابة ثلث السكان إلى الشوارع هرباً من الصواريخ التي كان بوسعها الذهاب إلى "ما بعد ما بعد ما بعد حيفا!". وهم السكان الذين اعتادوا "الأمان التام" في الحرب حتى لو طالت. وهو أمان نجم في الأساس عن التفوق التسليحي (…)
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ِEntité sionisteen]Zionist entity
لماذا لم تؤثر الحرب على النمو الإقتصادي لإسرائيل؟
20 آذار (مارس) 2007, بقلم د. عادل سمارة -
The time of the righteous
10 January 2009, by Gideon LevyThis war, perhaps more than its predecessors, is exposing the true deep veins of Israeli society. Racism and hatred are rearing their heads, as is the impulse for revenge and the thirst for blood. The "inclination of the commander" in the Israel Defense Forces is now "to kill as many as possible," as the military correspondents on television describe it. And even if the reference is to Hamas fighters, this inclination is still chilling.
The unbridled aggression and brutality are justified (…) -
A powerful but masochistic expression of gratitude by the USA to Israel
13 June 2010, by Mark GlennToday, while driving through town, I wound up behind a minivan that had a big sticker on the back. The sticker had an Israeli flag in the middle of it and under it the quotation from the book of Genesis that reads "I will bless those who bless thee."
I would like to take this time to list my own reasons for thanking and blessing Israel, our lone ally in the Middle East, for everything she has done for us, since I am quite sure most Americans are unaware of just what kind of friend she has (…) -
Peace now settlement watch - Periodic Report May-October 2007
16 November 2007, by Peace NowDeclarations of "freezing the settlements"
In recent months the government of Israel has declared in different contexts its intention to freeze construction in settlements. It was recently published that the defense minister froze approval of construction plans as part of "applying pressure" on the settlers in the negotiations over evacuating the outposts. However, the defense minister’s office did not confirm there really was such an order. It appears to be an attempt by the settlers to (…) -
Ethiopian students affair shows prevalent racism in Israel
6 September 2009, by Gideon LevyAll of a sudden, we can say "racism." A shock wave has struck complacent Israeli society. A few dozen Ethiopian children were not accepted to religious schools in Petah Tikva. That is truly terrible, everyone tsked-tsked at the heart-rending picture of Aschalo Sama, a boy without a school. Even President Shimon Peres expressed shock. Everyone is permitted to be shocked; it is politically correct.
Oh, how beautiful we are, how enlightened we seem to ourselves. Look how we fight racism, (…) -
Israel’s Righteous Fury and its Victims in Gaza
9 January 2009, by Ilan PappeMy visit back home to the Galilee coincided with the genocidal Israeli attack on Gaza. The state, through its media and with the help of its academia, broadcasted one unanimous voice — even louder than the one heard during the criminal attack against Lebanon in the summer of 2006. Israel is engulfed once more with righteous fury that translates into destructive policies in the Gaza Strip. This appalling self-justification for the inhumanity and impunity is not just annoying, it is a subject (…)
Israel’s fabricated rocket crisis
5 April 2009, by Jim Holstun, Joanna TinkerIn The Iron Wall (2001), Israeli historian Avi Shlaim shows that in July 1981, US diplomat Philip Habib brokered a ceasefire between the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Israel. For the next year, the PLO infuriated Israel by refusing to violate the ceasefire and thereby provide an excuse for Israel’s long-planned attack on PLO refugee camps and bases in Lebanon. Then, on 3 June 1982, a member of the Abu Nidal organization shot and wounded Shlomo Argov, the Israeli ambassador in (…)
Les mots et la terre - Fayard 2006
2 février 2007, par Shlomo SandLe post-sionisme
Le passé juif entre histoire religieuse et construction nationale
Le Bilan national, de Boaz Evron, paru en 1988, a été le seul essai des années quatre-vingt écrit et publié en hébreu . Les critiques n’en sont pas moins demeurées rares et le silence qui a entouré sa sortie est révélateur du mode de fonctionnement du monde universitaire israélien. Non pas historien mais intellectuel indépendant, déjà auteur d’un essai de philosophie, Boaz Evron fait montre d’un esprit (…) -
Victorious, but vilified: Israel has ’destroyed its image and its soul’
18 January 2009, by Donald Macintyre, Kim SenguptaAfter three weeks of carnage in Gaza, there were tentative signs of a ceasefire last night. But the bitter legacy of the past 22 days for Israel is that, while it declares victory on the battlefield, the country’s reputation has rarely sunk so low.
Yesterday the United Nations called for a war crimes investigation after two children, aged five and seven, were killed when, it claimed, an Israeli tank shell hit a school sheltering some of the more than 40,000 internally displaced refugees. (…) -
إسرائيل ترتكب جريمة حرب "باردة" جديدة بتوزيع غنائم حرب ١٩٤٨
8 آب (أغسطس) 2009صادق الكنيست الإسرائيلي يوم الاثنين ٢٠٠٩/٣/٨ على قانون جديد يسمح بخصخصة واسعة النطاق لما يعرف بـ«أراضي الدولة». مما يمكّن "الصندوق القومي لإسرائيل" من شراء أراضي اللاجئين الفلسطينيين ومن ثم بيعها لليهود فقط. وبموجب القانون الجديد الذي صوتت عليه أغلبية كبيرة ستقوم ما تعرف بـ«دائرة أراضي إسرائيل» ببيع عشرات آلاف الدونمات للصندوق القومي الإسرائيلي الذي سيتولى بيع وتأجير واستثمار أراضى اللاجئين الفلسطينيين التي لا يجوز لدولة إسرائيل التصرف بها.
دراسة متأنية للقانون الجديد، في ضوء العرف الدولي (…)